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                            Accelerated Degree


 8 Week Courses

 2 Courses Per 8 Weeks

In the classroom, online or hybrid

    Mentored Learning

Tranfer Credits & Life Learning


A student may attempt to complete a bachelor’s or other degree, in less than the calculated traditional time.  An Accelerated Degree degree is structured to make it possible for students to complete their educational program in fewer than a more traditional education can facilitate. Many accelerated academic programs are available online, in hybrid format or via the physical classroom settings.Traditional bachelor’s degrees are comprised of 8 16-week semester sessions with summer and intensive classes. College classes are typically provided in units, which are tied to the number of hours students spend in the classroom. Because most wish to develop their targeted skills, than get on with their futures, a traditional learning setting delays that goal. With an accelerated and focused learning path, the personal goal of moving on to a career is appealing and practical. 


Accelerated Courses and Programs


1. Our method breaks from the semester or quarter system entirely, offering “just in time” education, with 8-week courses starting frequently. In this type of accelerated program, students focus intensely on no more than two courses at a time. They are able to complete requirements for their major up to twice as fast as the traditional 16-week, semester-based schedule.


2. Acceleration is also a flexible and a skills-based education. Life Learning, transfer units, competency testing and internships, are other ways that universities have developed for students to facilitate rapid progress and learning. We are looking forward to introducing you to our Accelerated Learning Degree Programs. Accelerated Learning and Degree Programs are smart, efficient and more affordable. 




Haven University exists to bring glory to God through excellence in theological and in business leadership education. An education centered on Christ, faithful to the Scriptures, and rooted in the historical-theological tradition, with the aim of equipping Christian leaders advancing the kingdom of God throughout the world.

© 2020 Haven University 


714.592.7878  English

714 636.1725 - Fax


Orange County

Main Campus


12761 S Euclid

Garden Grove, CA 92840


Irvine Satellite Site


4860 Irvine Blvd. #205

Irvine, CA. 92620


Los Angeles Satellite Sites


3055 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 985

Los Angeles, CA 90010


3650 Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90018


Nevada Satellite 

8020 W. Sahara Suite 140

Las Vegas, NV. 89117


International Satellite Sites


274 Ladphrao Rd. 

Bangkok, Thailand


115/77Moo7, Tambon Padad

Chiang Mai, Thailand


12/12 Moo4 Wat Pradu

Sub District

Surat Thani, Thailand








Orange County

Main Campus

Haven Administration

12761 S Euclid

Garden Grove, CA 92840

714.592.7878  English

714 636.1725 - Fax


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