Our alumni share in a global ambassadorship for Christ. We have influenced the Church and society with our faithful ministry for 50 years. We are men and women holding graduate degrees who are denominational leaders, psychologists in Christian counseling, administrators and faculty members of colleges and universities, pastors of prominent growing churches, evangelists, and radio-television personalities.

Alumni Team
Cal Grad's Alumni Connect Team is comprised of fellow-alumni who volunteer their time and talents, to benefit the growing number of members joining our ranks. Our alumni are Better Together, as we:
Share a mutual journey with Christ and seek to encourage, bless, mentor and pray for one another
Seek to offer educational enrichment to alumni.--- Through special events, social media and courses. --- Sharing our learning in ways that support and grow the Cal Grad influence for Christ.
Blessings, Alumni Connect Team
Alumni Connect
Because we are "Better Together", Cal Grad Alumni share, mentor and minister to one-another via Social Media. From LinkedIn to Facebook, our alumni can continue to grow their CGSOT friendships and ministry partnerships globally. We cordially invite Cal Grad Alumni world-wide to connect!
Alumni Celebration
On October 18th-19th 2019, Cal Grad Alumni, family and friends will celebrate the 50th anniversary of California Graduate School of Theology. Founded in 1969, Cal Grad will honour its alumni , while celebrating God's world-wide influence through them.
Alumni Connect will continue to bring updates in the months leading up to Cal Grad's October festivities. In the meantime, to Register for the October Alumni Celebration, click on "Register Now" Button below:
NEW: UpGrade Your Cal Grad Degree to an Accredited Degree Status
Alumni wishing to upgrade their earned Cal Grad Academic Degree to Accredited Status may now do so! For more information please select "More Information" Button below. Or, to Register for Degree Upgrade, please select "Upgrade Registration" Button below.

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor"
Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NIV)