Master of Divinity
The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) is the recognized program in theological seminaries designed for the purpose of preparing persons for a pastoral ministry. It also prepares students for other church related vocations and graduate study in theology.
It is the philosophy of California Graduate School of Theology (Cal Grad) that a minister of the gospel should have a comprehensive knowledge of the English Bible, a competency in the original languages of scripture, a Biblically based theology, an understanding of the educational program of the church, the skill to communicate effectively God's word, an awareness of the Church's history, and the ability to apply in the pastoral ministry what has been learned.
The curriculum for this degree implements these goals. In addition, students are given the tools for evangelism and discipleship and are well acquainted with the work of the church through Christian service assignments and internship. Moreover, ample opportunity to pursue special interests is given by means of electives.
Admission | Applicants must possess the Bachelor of Arts degree or the equivalent from an approved school. It is recommended that the applicant's baccalaureate preparation include liberal arts studies such as philosophy, history, modern languages, and some work in human sciences. An interview with a Cal Grad faculty member is required and can be arranged through the school office.
Course Requirements | A total of 90 units of course work with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required for graduation.
A maximum of 18 semester units of comparable work may be transferred toward the Master of Divinity degree from recognized graduate theological schools. In addition, students may petition to substitute electives for core requirements if they have previously taken and passed courses of the same content elsewhere. A maximum of 3 units of independent study are allowed per semester, with the total for the degree not to exceed 18 units.

Admission | Applicants must possess the Bachelor of Arts degree or the equivalent from an approved school. It is recommended that the applicant's baccalaureate preparation include liberal arts studies such as philosophy, history, modern languages, and some work in human sciences. An interview with a Cal Grad faculty member is required and can be arranged through the school office.
Program Requirements|A total of 90 units of course work with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required for graduation.
Biblical Studies -30 [Credit Units]
Church HIstory & Theology- 18 [Credit Units]
Languages - 12 [Credit Units]
Practical Theology - 27 [Credit Units]
Chapel & Ministry Services - 3 [Credit Units]
The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) is the recognized program in theological seminaries designed for the purpose of preparing persons for a pastoral ministry. It also prepares students for other church related vocations and graduate study in theology.
It is the philosophy of California Graduate School of Theology (Cal Grad) that a minister of the gospel should have a comprehensive knowledge of the English Bible, a competency in the original languages of scripture, a Biblically based theology, an understanding of the educational program of the church, the skill to communicate effectively God's word, an awareness of the Church's history, and the ability to apply in the pastoral ministry what has been learned.
The curriculum for this degree implements these goals. In addition, students are given the tools for evangelism and discipleship and are well acquainted with the work of the church through Christian service assignments and internship. Moreover, ample opportunity to pursue special interests is given by means of electives.
Mission |The purpose of Master of Divinity is to prepare men and women for faithful ministry in Church and society. Committed to a learned ministry for church and society, the school welcomes qualified students without regard to denomination, race, sex, or physical disabilities. The school seeks to strengthen and deepen the spiritual life of students, and through classroom and other academic activities, to engage them in critical discussions about the Bible and theology with probing questions regarding faith and life in today's world.
The Master of Divinity is the recognized program in theological seminaries designed for the purpose of preparing persons for a pastoral ministry. It also prepares students for other church related vocations and graduate study in theology.
It is the philosophy of Haven University that a minister of the gospel should have a comprehensive knowledge of the English Bible, a competency in the original languages of scripture, a Biblically based theology, an understanding of the educational program of the church, the skill to communicate effectively God's word, an awareness of the Church's history, and the ability to apply in the pastoral ministry what has been learned.
The curriculum for this degree implements these goals. In addition, students are given the tools for evangelism and discipleship and are well acquainted with the work of the church through Christian service assignments and internship. Moreover, ample opportunity to pursue special interests is given by means of electives.
Course Requirements | A total of 90 units of course work with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required for graduation.
A maximum of 18 semester units of comparable work may be transferred toward the Master of Divinity degree from recognized graduate theological schools. In addition, students may petition to substitute electives for core requirements if they have previously taken and passed courses of the same content elsewhere. A maximum of 3 units of independent study are allowed per semester, with the total for the degree not to exceed 18 units.